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Figure #1 Normal Human Female Life-Size Finished in Solid Clear Lucite with Accompanying Vascular System 

Copyright © 2022 Beth Solin. Images not for use without written consent.

Remaining Components
Life-Size and Larger Ready to be Cast in Solid Clear Lucite with Accompanying Vascular Systems 

Copyright © 2022 Beth Solin. Images not for use without written consent.


Start up funding for OUT ME IN ME OUT © was raised through Kickstarter. Past installations were funded through grants and fellowships through The Pollock–Krasner Foundation, The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, and a nomination based grant through The Eben Demarest Trust Fund.

OUT ME IN ME OUT PART ONE © is a Five-Part Installation Series in progress. When finished, it will be an extensive group of solid clear Lucite sculptures, consisting of eight life-size humans and several hundred oversized animals and insects. Floating inside of their bodies will be sub-sculptures — metaphors for the vascular system, unconscious thought, and all that bridge our inner and outer worlds. All of the components will be interconnected by pools of white Lucite milk.

As this series unfolds, it will address the relationship between my personal experience in “the pack” and specific concerns about where humans are headed with respect to the increasingly isolated and insulated position of the individual within “the pack.” The personal pack-experiences being referenced are those influenced by a childhood belief that, “I wasn’t right,” — not as a female or a person. This developed into profound outsiderness, which morphed into feeling like a voyeur, trapped on the outside of my own body looking in. As an adult, this sense of being continues to morph, but not into further disembodiment, instead, into a broader state of awareness. In the age of instantaneous gratification, sublime distraction, and the obsession with the self, it has become clear that the human-pack is headed towards a disconnect of its own. No longer are we an interdependent roaming herd searching for the greater whole. Instead, we are becoming millions of lone wolves disoriented and roaming, forced by lack of space to stand close with no greater whole in site.

Evolutionarily, human connectivity fluctuates, forever impacted by our DNA, memory, sense of time, thoughts of the future and the iconic “now” we all long for. This series explores human connection and connectivity in the context of being animals who respond to nature and other living things, whether we intend to or not. The ways in which we perceive, use, or abuse these connections and responses influence our dichotomous roles as the embraced and rejected, the consumer and consumed, and as predator and prey.

As this series unfolds, the components of Part One will be added to the new components of Part Two, then Part One and Two to the new components of Part Three, and so on. Each mold will be able to yield at least ten prints and these prints will vary in terms of their hand-made vascular systems and clarity verses opacity-factors.


PART ONE, the first installation of this Five-Part series will consist of the following life-size Lucite figures and components: Normal Human Female, Fragmented Human Female, Cow-Milking-Bucket with Vagina and Vaginal Canal in Milk, Rodent-size Fly Drinking Milk, one hundred or more Mouse-size Flies Drinking Milk in clusters suspended from the walls and ceiling, one to three Vascular System Tumbleweeds, and a group of drawings to be exhibited separately.


  1. Normal Human Female - FINISHED in clear Lucite, life-size

  2. Fragmented Human Female - ready for casting in clear Lucite, life-size

  3. Cow-Milking-Bucket with Vagina and Vaginal Canal in Milk - ready for casting in opaque white Lucite, life-size

  4. Rodent-size Fly Drinking Milk - ready for casting in clear Lucite, rabbit-size

  5. One hundred or more Mouse-size Flies Drinking Milk - ready for casting in opaque white, opaque black, and mixed black and white Lucite, mouse-size

  6. Milk Pools on the floor for the humans and large fly - five to seven pools of opaque white Lucite milk to be poured on the floor, c. 5 feet x 8 feet x 1/2 inch

  7. Milk Puddles to be suspended from the walls and ceiling for the small flies - fifteen to thirty puddles of opaque white Lucite milk to be poured on the floor with embedded legs of Mouse-sized Flies and mounting hardware, c. 2 feet x 3 feet x 1/2 inch 

  8. Vascular System Tumbleweeds (if time permits) - two to three c. 5 feet in diameter


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